About Me

I'm a writer who aims to do good things with words. I write scripts mainly but I wanted to set up this blog as a way of being of service through my writing. Included in the blog you'll find my Gratitude posts which are updated every Wednesday and a quote of the week posted each Sunday, taken from various sources. I may also post some of my fictional short stories here too. The views expressed in my gratitude posts are merely my own humble opinions, observations and my personal experiences, but I really hope they make you smile, move your heart and give you food for thought. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday 14 March 2011

Sunday Quote of the week (13/03/2011)

“The worst realities of our age are manufactured realities. It is therefore our task, as creative participants in the universe, to re-dream our world. The fact of possessing imagination means that everything can be re dreamed. Each reality can have it. The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.”

-Ben Okri

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