About Me

I'm a writer who aims to do good things with words. I write scripts mainly but I wanted to set up this blog as a way of being of service through my writing. Included in the blog you'll find my Gratitude posts which are updated every Wednesday and a quote of the week posted each Sunday, taken from various sources. I may also post some of my fictional short stories here too. The views expressed in my gratitude posts are merely my own humble opinions, observations and my personal experiences, but I really hope they make you smile, move your heart and give you food for thought. Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Sunday Quote of the week (30/01/2011)

"Books are only inert words. When a living human being cries out for help, if we are unable to lend a loving hand to help him, then what is the point of a book describing compassion? If we want to put life and consciousness into our words and thoughts, we have to put them into action."

-Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Friday, 28 January 2011

Gratitude post: Hair power = girl power? Really?

Maybe this is just one for the girls - but there are  just times in life when I'm just grateful that we have hair.  Yes that's right - hair. Sure I know it's  superficial, but when you break it down further there's something about it that is very healing. Like a couple of weeks go for instance, I was feeling really out of sorts -- really down in the mouth -and for some reason I just knew that going to the salon would really help me. and it did! I had 5 inches taken off, a wash and a blow-dry, and I felt GREAT! Now you might say "well that's probably because you don't look like Cousin It anymore" -- and you would be right, because to be honest my hair was getting pretty dire - but aside from that, there was something magical about it -- I came out feeling like a new person - as if all my worries had been rinsed out with the treatment conditioner - at least temporarily. And it's not just the trip to the salon that does it. Every time I wash my own hair - no matter how crappy I'm feeling -it has that uplifting effect somehow. And I'm willing to bet that most folks feel the same -even the receding types. After all Rogers and Hammerstein didn't pluck their lyrics out of thin air you know - and I'll bet their inspiration came from a bottle of Herbal Essences!     

Seriously, it’s as if at the dawn creation God suddenly said " Ok Ladies - I know I dealt you a rough hand, what with PMT, child birth, and taking the rap for the apple stealing incident" (let's face it girls - we all know Adam took it first)  "but if you can hang about a few years until the 20th Century -I'll give you Vidal Sasoon, L'Oreal and John Freida's Smooth Start® Hydrating Shampoo -Deal?" Now I don't know about Eve, but I know what I would have said:
 Thank -the -Lord! ;)

written and posted by Nadia O'Connell

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Gratitude Post: Service with a smile (25/01/11)

I was going to write about something completely different today, but then something happened that really touched my heart so I thought I’d share it in the hope that it might be helpful to somebody else. I have a physical disability. Growing up I was always determined to be a independent as I possibly could be. Then, 3 years ago my mobility decreased dramatically  and that meant that I had to start allowing carers to come into my home from various agencies to help me with personal care. If I'm honest, I found this really hard  in the beginning. I found it dis-empowering and felt as if I'd "lost the battle" to be "like everyone else". More crucially, I felt that I'd lost the ability to be of service to others, because my ability to help myself now was more restricted - and I found that really challenging, because I truly believe that we are all put on this earth to be of service to each other - and initially I felt as though that fundamental gift God has given to everyone, the gift of service - had been taken away from me. And this bothered me more than anything else, even more than losing the ability to walk. But over time as I got used to seeing the carers. I began appreciating the help they give me, and the company they offer.

Then one of the girls who comes to help me remarked out of the blue that she really loved coming to my house. I asked her why -- and she told me because I was full of smiles and it made her feel great. She said that she in general  she gets the feeling that clients she works for didn't want her there but when she comes to my house, she always feels welcome and it was something to look forward to.

I was taken aback because I had no idea that's how she felt, and because it reminded me that no matter how powerless I might think I am be of service - there is ALWAYS a way and I very thankful for that! So please, don't ever kid yourself that your powerless no matter how limited you think you are. - You can can do so much with the tinniest of God's gifts.  Even a smile - or a friendly word  sincerely intended  can make a MASSIVE difference to people. You don't know what impact your soul can have another soul until you until reach out to them, so don't ever feel powerless to serve another - because service, however small, is the birthright of humanity and is something we ALL have the means to do. :)

written and posted Nadia O'Connell

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Quote of the week Sunday 23/01/2011


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."


Thursday, 20 January 2011

Quote of the week Sunday 16/01/2011

Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve.
You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.
You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermo-dynamics to serve.
You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
Martin Luther King

Quote of the week Sunday 09/01/11

‘Cause love’s such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves.

January 2011: Personal thought of the month. Live in love.

In the world in which we live, it seems a lot of folks are cynical about love. As though that people are just too wrapped up in themselves to care.  But I don’t buy into that. After my encounter with kindness a couple of weeks ago,** I am convinced  that human beings are in programmed to love. I do not buy into the selfish gene theory. How can I say that with so much suffering going on the world and not enough folks seeming to care?  Because I believe the only reason “most people don’t seem to care” is because they are now persuaded their compassion is useless. And this, for me folks, is the most grievous deception on the planet. We are NEVER useless.  Never. We each have 2 hands to help with, 2 arms to hug with, and one huge heart to give and receive love with. This year, take the risk of using them. We can each make a difference to somebody else, no matter how small the endeavour. Every deed we do, every smile we give, every loving word we speak will send out ripples of love to soothe and help heal the hearts of our human family. So this year, empower yourself. Live in love. It will come back to you.
Best wishes for 2011. :)
** “The kindness of Strangers” blog entry 24/12/10,

Written and posted by Nadia O'Connell

Quote of the week Sunday 2/1/2011

“You know the most insignificant of things if you think about it is a drop of water. A drop of water- it’s not even worth considering. And really, when you think about water, water is very much like love; it seems like it’s not powerful. It seems like it’s not changing. But literally water shapes the face of the earth, and so does love.”
Renee Pasarrow

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Gratitude Post: The Kindness of Strangers (24/12/2010)

You know, a lot of people are sceptical about Christmas. We buy gifts, eat food, get together with friends and family…  And yet – how many of us really believe in the truest gifts of this particular holiday? How many of us really trust that when we really need it, human kindness and generosity, the most cherished of all qualities associated with Christmas, will actually be there? Well this Christmas, I do. I believe it because the other week, when a friend and I got stuck in the centre of town, in the middle of an extremely heavy and unexpected snowfall, we were rescued by human kindness. I use a wheelchair and the UK is notoriously unprepared for heavy snow. I also have poor circulation so within 20 minutes of being snowed on I looked like frosty the snowman on wheels and couldn’t feel my face. Everybody else was in town that night too because it was Christmas work party night for everyone in the city, creating an abundance of people and next to no taxis. All the buses were off. We were stranded, and freezing and struggling to get the wheelchair through the snow. We turned a corner, and suddenly, we bumped into this stranger, who insisted on walking with us. He helped us navigate my chair through the deep snow, gave me his hat and only coat and wore nothing but a thin shirt himself so I could stay warm during the 3 hours it took us to get home. He wouldn’t take his coat back even when I begged him to. Eventually we got home but we couldn’t have done it without him. I don’t know him and I may never meet him again, but that night, that stranger, who I found out was called Peter, confirmed my faith in human kindness. And for that I am extremely extremely grateful. :)Merry Christmas wherever you are Peter! Merry Christmas everyone! :)

written and posted by Nadia O'Connell

Gratitude Post: Fancy a fritter? (21/12/2010)

Some might say I’m obsessed,  but honestly, I find there are few things to be more grateful for in life than food. And the joy of cooking food, the chance to try new tips, and get adventurous when preparing food (because no matter what the recipes says – you are always in charge ;) ), is one of the greatest joys in life. Mostly, I love to cook for friends.

This weekend, for the first time however, a friend came over my place and cooked for me instead, and I was really grateful  to sample something new: Courgette and feta cheese fritters. They were REALLY tasty and quick to make so I’m definitely going have a bash at them myself. I’m unsure of the exact recipe my friend used, but I googled it and found this, courtesy of the Hairy Bikers.
NOTE: My personal tip would be to TRY and stick to the ratio of cheese versus courgette – me and my friend went a bit Wallace and Gromit on the cheese, but it made the fritters a little sloppy and tricky to fry, so if you can curb your enthusiasm when it comes to the feta – then do.
Also, if you happen to have wheat allergy as I do, my advice is to use rice flour, or Doves plain flour mix as a substitute – works just as well!  Enjoy :)


Preparation method

  1. Sprinkle the courgette with salt and allow to drain for 20 minutes.
  2. Place the grated courgette in a clean tea towel and squeeze out the water. Mix with the onions, dill, parsley, eggs, paprika and freshly ground black pepper.
  3. Work in the feta cheese and flour.
  4. Heat the oil in a deep, heavy-bottomed pan. It is ready when a breadcrumb that is dropped in will sizzle gently in it.
  5. Carefully fry tablespoons of the mixture in the hot oil until golden. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen towels. Garnish with slices of lemon and serve immediately.

blog posted and written by Nadia O'Connell

recipe taken from the bbc website http://www.bbc.co.uk

Gratitude Post: Godbless free range hens!! :p (10/12/2010)

Today I am grateful that I was able to share a creative idea with a friend. And you know what happened?… The idea EXPLODED. Seriously, the idea mushroomed beyond the bounds of my own feeble mind, and expanded and grew into something even more exciting than I started with. See, the things is, I think a lot of creative people can get a little scared about sharing their ideas, which I understand because ideas are currency right? But if you can find somebody you can trust – my tip of the day is – DO IT!  Why? Because as soon as you let go of an idea – it takes on a life of its own.  Your ideas are still your babies – you don’t loose the idea by sharing it- but if junior can be raised by an extended family – think of how more well adjusted you’re child will be.  Honestly – You are likely to find that YOU yourself come up greater possibilities for your ideas by bouncing it off other people. So free Willy! Go on – put it out there. Sure it’s scary watching any child leave the nest – but can how can you know the full potential of your creativity until it’s liberated. The way I see it the best ideas are like hens – keep em locked in a battery – and they will always be limited but let them have free range, and the produce speaks for itself.

written and posted by Nadia O'Connell

Gratitude Post: A precious breath (9/12/10)

Today I am grateful that my friend Elika shared a haunting new composition with her friends. It’s such a soul stirring piece of music – kind of Einaudi-ish, and takes you to another place.
To be honest, for me, music is like a gatekeeper to my soul; magical wings to my imagination. It quietens the rest of the world, opens a door inside myself and allows me to commune within, better than any structured form of meditation I’ve ever tried. And its effects are instantaneous near enough. It’s like a key that opens up your heart and gives you space to know yourself, listen, and create. The last magical talisman to a world to a world wrought with stress and too busy moving to stop, and take a breath.
Enjoy this short breath, courtesy of  Elika: :)

blog written and posted by Nadia O'Connell

link posted from the Elika Mahony site.

The Gratitude Post: Legless

Today, for once I am grateful for having a heavy duty wheelchair to get around in. It may sound strange to some but I live in the UK and if you could experience the roads outside; they are caked in ice! Now I’m not knocking walking – its a wonderful past-time! …But at least when you’re sitting on your backside, you can’t fall on your ass! ;)

written and posted by Nadia O'Connell

The Gratitude Post: Abundance of ideas

I am grateful for waking up with a completely unexpected spark of an idea for a new writing project in my head. It began as the tiniest spark of inspiration in my heart, grew in my belly, and throughout the day it literally filled my whole being with joy! I love it when that happens. I love the buzz of a newly born idea. If you are a writer, artist, creative person, or problem solver of any kind, you will know ideas are currency, they are life-blood, raw materials; they are so important to us right? Yet a part of me fights with them. (Rambo aint got nothing on me folks ;) ). I always worry whether/how ideas are gonna come to me, as if the world is about to become inspirationally bankrupt, and run dry of ideas any minute, and OMG I better stockpile em ALL NOW QUICK!! So exhausting!.. :p Anyway today was confirmation that I’m a ding-bat and need to chillax and stop worrying. And it’s true. Inspiration for whatever we need is all around us. It’s always around us. Whether you believe they come from God, a Higher Power or whether you take the Carl Jung view that they come from a mass of human conciousness, inspiration is everywhere, and we have access to it at all times. The key I’m learning is not to fight for it, because inspiration is kinda like the guy you fancy- the more you chase him the more elusive he is. Just sit back, stop worrying about it, expect it, and it will find you.