About Me

I'm a writer who aims to do good things with words. I write scripts mainly but I wanted to set up this blog as a way of being of service through my writing. Included in the blog you'll find my Gratitude posts which are updated every Wednesday and a quote of the week posted each Sunday, taken from various sources. I may also post some of my fictional short stories here too. The views expressed in my gratitude posts are merely my own humble opinions, observations and my personal experiences, but I really hope they make you smile, move your heart and give you food for thought. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Gratitude Post: A precious breath (9/12/10)

Today I am grateful that my friend Elika shared a haunting new composition with her friends. It’s such a soul stirring piece of music – kind of Einaudi-ish, and takes you to another place.
To be honest, for me, music is like a gatekeeper to my soul; magical wings to my imagination. It quietens the rest of the world, opens a door inside myself and allows me to commune within, better than any structured form of meditation I’ve ever tried. And its effects are instantaneous near enough. It’s like a key that opens up your heart and gives you space to know yourself, listen, and create. The last magical talisman to a world to a world wrought with stress and too busy moving to stop, and take a breath.
Enjoy this short breath, courtesy of  Elika: :)

blog written and posted by Nadia O'Connell

link posted from the Elika Mahony site.

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