http://www.flickr.com/photos/nadiapriestley/ |
Maybe this is just one for the girls - but there are just times in life when I'm just grateful that we have hair. Yes that's right - hair. Sure I know it's superficial, but when you break it down further there's something about it that is very healing. Like a couple of weeks go for instance, I was feeling really out of sorts -- really down in the mouth -and for some reason I just knew that going to the salon would really help me. and it did! I had 5 inches taken off, a wash and a blow-dry, and I felt GREAT! Now you might say "well that's probably because you don't look like Cousin It anymore" -- and you would be right, because to be honest my hair was getting pretty dire - but aside from that, there was something magical about it -- I came out feeling like a new person - as if all my worries had been rinsed out with the treatment conditioner - at least temporarily. And it's not just the trip to the salon that does it. Every time I wash my own hair - no matter how crappy I'm feeling -it has that uplifting effect somehow. And I'm willing to bet that most folks feel the same -even the receding types. After all Rogers and Hammerstein didn't pluck their lyrics out of thin air you know - and I'll bet their inspiration came from a bottle of Herbal Essences!
Seriously, it’s as if at the dawn creation God suddenly said " Ok Ladies - I know I dealt you a rough hand, what with PMT, child birth, and taking the rap for the apple stealing incident" (let's face it girls - we all know Adam took it first) "but if you can hang about a few years until the 20th Century -I'll give you Vidal Sasoon, L'Oreal and John Freida's Smooth Start® Hydrating Shampoo -Deal?" Now I don't know about Eve, but I know what I would have said:
Thank -the -Lord! ;)
written and posted by Nadia O'Connell
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